Friday, March 12, 2010


So as I said in the last entry I've been asked to move into a new house to allow the school to make repairs on my old house. They are planning on completely re-doing the roof and the interior to make it a suitable work-place for one of the school Vice-Presidents. And so today we moved all my junk out (which has brought to my attention the fact that I have way too much stuff) starting at around 2:30. To give you a sense of how direct and to the point people over here are by 3:30 our director already had guys in our house demolishing our kitchen and bathrooms while we were still taking bags over to our new residencies.

So lets look back on the timeline so far.
1pm on Thursday : We get calls saying we need to meet with Xiao Fan at 5pm.
5pm on Thursday : Xiao fan tells us that we need to move out of our house.
2:30pm on Friday : We start moving our stuff out.
3:30pm on Friday : Demo begins.
5pm on Friday : Gerald and I are completely moved into our new houses.

For what it's worth Xiao Fan shared with us the entire plan that the school has in store, the renovation of our house and our relocation is only a tiny piece of a much bigger move. All in all the school is planning on razing some 20 buildings, most of which look like the house on this blog except they are gray and in poorer shape, including our dining hall (which the administration has not found a new location for). Once the buildings are gone the trees will be removed and then the earth dug up for a brand new lake. It's a grand new vision for Shanxi Nongye Daxue 山西农业大学 (Shanxi Agricultural University).

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